Expat and Relocation training: Working and living in .......

Relocation training Your organization relocates you and your family as expats on an international assignment. Increasing business opportunities and managing relationships in a foreign country will be challenging on many fronts. You need to get settled and be successful within weeks so that local and international targets are met.

Being able, as an expat, to understand the culture of the host-country and having the skills and tools to interact in new ways will help you establish new networks, manage teams, and motivate local employees more effectively.

Your partner and children also have to deal with big changes as they start a new life as expats. Statistics show that if the partner and the children can’t cope with the cultural differences (both hidden and overt), the assignment may fail.
Our expat, relocation or pre-departure training is a valuable way to help prepare you and your family to embark on this challenge and boost your chances for success. We have a variety of training options:
  • Working and living in ........for you on assignment
  • Working and living in ........ for you and your partner
  • Living and going to school in........... for your children as part of the larger family program.
Please contact us and we make a tailor-made program for you!