Train the International Trainer. Adapting training for the international classroom

Train the International Trainer

Your organization may ask you to train the subsidiaries in various countries to work with a newly implemented system. You may be asked to give project management training in eight different countries. How can you optimize learning for each individual in your training? Adapt your training effectively for a multicultural audience.

  • Gain insights into the role of the international trainer
  • Explore how to analyze your audience
  • Understand the dynamics of intercultural communication in the classroom
  • Understand the effect of culture on learning styles
  • Develop instruction design strategies
  • Improve international group dynamics
  • Adapt learning interventions for a variety of cultures
  • Develop skills to manage expectations in the classroom
Who will benefit

Trainers, training managers, college and university educators working with international students, facilitators and coaches (for individuals and groups) working across cultural borders

Duration: two or three days depending on the curriculum of the trainers and the variety of cultural backgrounds of their participants

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